bread - Analyze Big Files Without Loading Them in Memory
A simple set of wrapper functions for data.table::fread()
that allows subsetting or filtering rows and selecting columns
of table-formatted files too large for the available RAM. 'b
stands for 'big files'. bread makes heavy use of Unix commands
like 'grep', 'sed', 'wc', 'awk' and 'cut'. They are available
by default in all Unix environments. For Windows, you need to
install those commands externally in order to simulate a Unix
environment and make sure that the executables are in the
Windows PATH variable. To my knowledge, the simplest ways are
to install 'RTools', 'Git' or 'Cygwin'. If they have been
correctly installed (with the expected registry entries), they
should be detected on loading the package and the correct
directories will be added automatically to the PATH.